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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

My garden is still at the seasonal intersection of summer and fall. I harvested the delicata squash this week to make room for more broccoli. It seems a small take for two plants but they grew in a bed that receives less sun. Still, I’ll enjoy roasting them as golden crescents.

My ‘Royal Burgundy’ bush beans near the end of their run and will make way for the snow peas soon.

I decided to call this bell pepper red enough, fearing I’d be feeding the critters who previously stole four of them.

Strawberry guava season is nearly over—after harvesting 60 pounds this year. We generally breathe a sigh of relief at season’s end since from tree to puree, each guava is handled three times. Now I keep a few on the counter to snack on during the day, relieved to know there are not fifteen pounds in the refrigerator.

Lucy, my pointer-retriever Brittany brought in the first ‘Dorsett Golden’ apple of the fall season. It was a drop but her characteristic soft mouth did not damage it and I washed it well then diced it for my morning oatmeal.

I sent two heads of romaine lettuce home with my son, Tim and harvested the other four over the weekend. We’re expecting Santa Ana winds this week with temperatures in the 80’s which translates to bolted lettuce. Lots of salads ahead.

Here’s one of my hearty salads with garden lettuce, green beans, bell peppers and red onions. Scattered on the top are dried calendula petals from last year’s edible flower harvest.

And I squeezed the first lime of the season over my salad.

Garden arrangements are like small snapshots of your garden and here we have asters, Mexican marigold and scabiosa as the stars of the fall garden.

See what other garden bloggers harvested last week at Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres.