Attract Beneficial Insects to the Vegetable Garden
I try to intersperse insectary plants with my vegetables. I figure if the target pests are close by the pollen and nectar source, there’s a greater likelihood the beneficials will find them…Your garden will be healthier and safer because of it. Joe Queirolo in Fine Gardening
Wind poppies weave through the garlic.
Growing flowers in the vegetable garden attracts beneficial insects which are the foot soldiers in the pest wars. Establishing insectaries in your vegetable garden can lessen insect damage and the need for chemical or “organic” controls, improve pollination and enhance crop yields.
When I slow down and observe my vegetable garden closely I see hoverflies, foot soldiers in the pest wars. They prefer the tiny flowers of some of the herbs like thyme and oregano. I often let my parsley flower to use in bouquets and to ensure the hoverflies stay around. Their larvae depend on aphids as their primary food source which keeps these pests under control. In my zone 10 garden that’s especially important as the weather warms in the early spring and the aphids swarm the brassicas.
Parsley flowers
Here are links to articles that explore the topic in greater depth. They include lists of plants that attract beneficial insects and bees.
Growing Plants to Attract Beneficial Insects (
Attracting Beneficial Insects (Fine Gardening)
Organic Pest Control: The Best Plants to Attract Beneficial Insects and Bees (Mother Earth News) Best plant list.
Zinnias in the summer vegetable garden.
Calendulas as an edging in the winter vegetable garden.