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Some reflections on the first day of April.

“Keep your faith in all beautiful things; in the sun when it is hidden, in the Spring when it is gone.”
—Roy R. Gilson

Sunset Cliffs Natural Park, San Diego

Sunset Cliffs Natural Park, San Diego

"Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world."  
—Virgil A. Kraft

John O’Neill on Wikimedia Commons

John O’Neill on Wikimedia Commons

"April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain."
—T. S. Eliot, The Waste Land, 1922

Hot Cocoa Rose in my garden

Hot Cocoa Rose in my garden

"Sweet April showers
Do spring May flowers."
—Thomas Tusser, A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry, 1557  

And let’s keep our sense of humor with some words from Mark Twain.


"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year."
—Mark Twain

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 A Poem by Robert Frost

A Poem by Robert Frost

Turn Off the News (Build A Garden)

Turn Off the News (Build A Garden)