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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

This has been the best season for artichokes that we can recall. Each of the four plants—two purple and two globe delight us with larger, more succulent artichokes and in greater number. We could share a large one for dinner every night.

The artichoke on the left is comparable to the ones seen in gourmet grocery stores. Once again, rain seems to be the explainer.

In the last week or so I’ve made 60 jars of orange marmalade and I’m one batch away from my goal of 72. We don’t consume too much ourselves but my marmalade has quite a following.

I harvested the last of the ‘Sea of Red’ lettuce this week. It might be my favorite winter lettuce, this week.

‘Merveille De Quatre Saisons’ (Marvel of Four Seasons) is an heirloom French Bibb that grows to luscious large heads. This is the last of the last head that I was pulling leaves from as needed.

The arugula is starting to flower but my neighbor doesn’t mind. Nor do I, though we both prefer the first tender leaves. She has a young family and picks up a few items for me on her Costco runs. I keep her in greens. To social distance we leaves things for each other on the porch.

Next week I’ll show pictures of the spinach and kale which could go on for weeks more.

Last night I dashed to the garden to gather herbs for an infused herb oil to top servings of Ribollita. I pureed them with a couple garlic cloves and EVOO for a last minute addition to the soup.

Blueberries picked for our waffles from the patio plant left dozens behind and they mostly exceeded the size of the waffle depressions. Rain about 150% of a normal year confirms that is what plants prefer.

In the last week or so I’ve made 60 jars of orange marmalade and I’m one batch away from my goal of 72. We don’t consume too much ourselves but my marmalade has quite a following.

My spring street side garden is ablaze with color and life. One family calls it the rainbow garden. You can see photos of some of the garden in this post from last week. Scenes from the Rainbow Garden.

You may enjoy seeing what other garden bloggers harvested last week at Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres.

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