Understanding Squash Sex
“If your first squash flowers aren’t producing, they’re probably males. Once the female blossoms (the ones with the miniature squash at their base) start appearing—and bees are present to pollinate them—fruit set will take place.” Sunset Magazine
Read more about squash pollination in my previous post:
Pollination—Understanding Squash Sex
Bees play an important role in squash pollination.
I grow Geranium ‘Rozanne adjacent to my vegetable garden. It’s a bee magnet. Attracting bees and other pollinators to the garden with flowers can improve yields.
‘Music Box’ a knee-high sunflower from Renee’s Garden would be a good choice to grow near zucchini
Barbara Pleasant at GrowVeg.com recommends planting sunflowers when you sow your zucchini seeds. The sunflowers can grow through the zucchini leaves and attract bees when needed.