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In My Garden, Mid-December

The vegetable garden is about the promise of things to come. Though it yields little now, in a few weeks there will be lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, scallions, celery and more. For now, I enjoy the loveliness of each color, shape and texture—especially just after a rain.

Three of six ‘Jacaranda’ broccoli and ‘Red Rubine’ Brussels sprouts.

Seventeen cauliflower plants intensively planted—three varieties. Iceland poppies ‘Champagne Bubbles.’

‘Catalina’ spinach and yellow snow peas.

‘Violetta’ pac choi and ‘Monet’s Garden’ mesclun.

‘Tango’ celery and French sorrel in a container.

Carrots and beets. A new ‘Green Globe’ artichoke.

‘Pomegranate Crunch’ and ‘Sea of Red’ lettuce. Arugula in a container.

‘Seascape’ strawberry and ‘Bountiful Blue’ blueberry.

See the garden last year In My Garden, Early December. Wishing you a peaceful holiday season.

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