
Looking for something specific?
Here are some things I’ve written about. Search any of these

apples, apricots, artichokes, arugula
beets, blueberries, broccoli
carrots, cauliflower, celery
cool season garden, cucumbers
garlic, guavas, insects, kale, kohlrabi
kumquats, lettuce, limes
marionberries, mustard ,oranges
organic, persimmons, poetry
pomegranates, radish, raised beds
rhubarb, scallions, snow peas
spinach, squash, strawberries
tangerines, tomatoes
warm season garden, zucchini
Something not here? Get in touch.



Sunsets Near the Winter Solstice

Sunsets Near the Winter Solstice

Winter solstice sunsets at Sunset Cliffs, San Diego over the last ten years.

Sunsets are one thing in life that won’t wait. Unknown

Softly the evening came with the sunset. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God. G.K. Chesterton

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

December by John Updike

December by John Updike