In My Garden, Early April
It is spring in my garden. The winter broccoli and cauliflower departed long ago. Spinach, chard, kale and lettuce thrive as the days lengthen and intermittent rains continue. Direct seeded Rosaine lettuce takes off.
The carrots and beets are selectively harvested as the roots enlarge. The sweet peas climb to the top of the trellis and spill over their bountiful blooms.
Space in the garden opens and the warm season garden plan emerges. The Dwarf Rosella Purple and Black Cherry tomatoes moved up from six-packs to quarts last week. The containers of Yukon Gem potatoes send bushy growth higher. In a few weeks the soil will be warm enough to plant beans for drying and Emerite green beans.
A thicket of celery thriving in the cool, rainy conditions. Blue flax and dill will attract pollinators.
And the promise of apricot blossoms.