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May 30, 2012

This Cornell Ornithology Lab video reminds me of the memorable times and places I’ve seen red-winged blackbirds. You can see from the range map below they live year round in most of the US, including San Diego.

As a child, I remember flocks of red-winged blackbirds landing on our back lawn which bordered a canyon in San Clemente, California. When we lived in Massachusetts, our family visited the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary where this species added to the spring songfest. I recall sunset at water’s edge along the Deschutes River in Oregon. On summer evenings, red-winged blackbirds flew about and called from the cattails.

What’s your memory of red-winged blackbirds? Share it in “Comments.” Have you seen or heard a red-winged blackbird yet this spring?

Harvest Monday: First and Last Things