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My Little Garden Pests, Part 2

June 14, 2013

In my last post Lucy, my Brittany was described as my little garden pest. Some of the garden damage inflicted is because she’s chasing birds in my garden.


Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

Mostly they’re house sparrows, but lately we’ve had a few mourning doves, which are ground feeders and a tempting prey for Lucy.

Birds do a good job of keeping insect populations down and add life and interest to the garden. I generally like having them flit about as I work. Black Phoebes perch and fly around catching insects. Their call is charming.

This time of year–during planting season, some of the birds are garden “pests.” Here’s some of the damage inflicted when I’m not looking.


Overturned nursery trays did not protect newly emerged corn.


I replanted and then covered the bed with bird netting.


This time I soaked the corn seed for faster germination.


Zucchini didn’t escape damage.


Birds leave the chard alone in the winter, but this time of year it’s their favorite garden green. Leaves are ravaged. I gave up on lettuce in the ground last year.


Even the rhubarb became somebody’s lunch.


And the precious (few) apricots this year were enjoyed by birds. If it was a hooded oriole I wouldn’t be too upset.

Oh well. As the plants get larger, the birds lose interest and plants can sustain the damage. Life in the garden.