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June 12, 2011

If you have an artichoke plant or have a friend who does, here’s a simple way to propagate artichokes. The harvest season is over for most of us and now is the time to do it.

You may recognize Pat Welsh, the author of Pat Welsh’s Southern California Organic Gardening, Month by Month. Pat lives in La Jolla and is in her 80’s I believe. I heard her speak at San Diego Horticultural Society last year. She is quite a hoot and an expert on gardening in our unique climate. I regularly refer to her book.

“Here is the Southern California gardener’s calendar laid out with clarity and zest; no weasel words, no ifs and buts. The author has done it all and delivers straight from the shoulder… in a language so simple and direct it gallops along like a thriller.”  –Pacific Horticulture

Backyard Gardeners and Food Exchanges

Irrigating Tomatoes