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Preserving Radishes: Refrigerator Pickles

March 13, 2013


Radishes ‘Easter Egg Blend’

Until last winter I hadn’t grown radishes before. I recall too many salads with big fat red and white ones that offended a childish palate. But now I make room at the front of my roots raised bed for these colorful, crisp and mild radishes. I’ve changed my mind about radishes.


Most of my radishes go on salads. Some went to my friend, Kerry who relishes radishes. A few over-sized ones were quartered for roasting with potatoes. After gathering the homely remainder last weekend, I decided to try pickling radishes. 


I found a recipe for refrigerator pickles and used the herbs I have and like–thyme, oregano and rosemary.


I was intrigued by the Pinot Grigio in equal volume with the white vinegar.


Ready for the refrigerator and a three day wait.


Radish seedlings December 15.


Radish seedlings December 27.

Check Specialty Produce for links to some recipes worth a try such as Red Radish Relish or Radish Raita. (The alliterations are irresistible). You can also see which restaurants in San Diego have purchased Easter Egg Radishes recently.

Oh, and how did they taste? First sampled at nearly 11 pm–definitely a great way to handle the radish onslaught. The subtle herb and garlic flavors with the wine and vinegar would go well with some goat cheese on my favorite crackers. Well, there I have lunch tomorrow.