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Weeds and Dr. Seuss

If Dr. Seuss had been a farmer, this is the poem he might have written about the variety of weeds—his cast of characters—that show up among the veggies. 

The poet, Dan Finklestein, is the field manager at Helsing Junction Farm in Rochester, Washington.

One weed, two weed,
Old weed, new weed.
These ones grow so short and small,
These ones grow so long and tall!
Some grow fast, and some grow slow,
Some we pull and some we hoe.
Some love shade, and some love sun,
All this weeding is no fun!
Oh me, oh my!
Oh me, oh my!
They grow and grow, even when it’s dry!
From there to here, from here to there,
Weeds and weeds are everywhere!