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What You Get From A Garden

February 25, 2014

Visible gratitude.
Small surprises.
Antidotes for too much thought.
A place to do some thinking.
A place to slash and burn and feel good about it.
A dozen shades of green.
Solveable problems.
More than you put in.
Permission to be muddy.
A model of God’s efficiency
And extravagance.
A chance to see the whole wheel turn.
A feast of color. 
Encounters with interesting creatures.
A place to “practice resurrection.”
Zucchini for the whole neighborhood.
A place to practice military strategy on small predators.
A chance to start over.

Marilyn McEntyre

You may enjoy her book, Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies. See source. Poem used by permission of Marilyn McEntyre


This was first posted February 17, 2011 when my blog was very new and I had many fewer readers. Perhaps it deserves an annual rehearsal.

Seed Season--Part 5: Seed Sources

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen: First and Last Things