In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
The garden abundance fosters immense creativity with salads. I wander about the garden and gather just enough for a lunch salad for me or a dinner salad of us.
The winter garden
The winter garden is my favorite—the variety of greens, the brassicas, the root vegetables; cool weather, rain, fewer weeds and pests.. By comparison, my summer garden seems pedestrian and a little boring: tomatoes, summer and winter squash, eggplant, peppers, corn, cukes and beans. Add to that lots of irrigation, bugs, weeds and fog.
Arugula sheared, literally.
I sheared the arugula before leaving for a few days. It’s beyond what some of my garden consumers like but I have one neighbor who will take arugula at any stage.
‘Ruby Streaks’ mustard
She also likes to saute the peppery mustard greens so I headed them back in their container. They grow too vigorously when planted with the other greens.
‘Easter Egg II’ radishes
I snatched a few radishes from the garden before they split or became too large.
Romanesco and ‘February Gold’ daffodils
I was dashing to the house with the Romanescos and the daffodils caught my eye. Why not put them together for a photo? I took them to my sister’s and we made Lemony Romanesco with Pine Nuts. See my post on Romanesco from last week.
Here’s a container of garden goodness I packed in my suitcase for my trip to the Pacific Northwest. Most every time I travel with veggies and fruit in my suitcase, TSA wants to take a look.
Kumquat marmalade
Last week I made kumquat marmalade and did a blog post on Kumquats and Marmalade.
Garden goodness for neighbors.
And here’s one of several garden gift trays I shared with neighbors. To see what other garden bloggers are harvesting head over to Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres.