In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
The ‘Golden Sweet’ snow peas began in mid-December and continue with vigor now six weeks later. The vines on the trellis are over six feet high now and survived our recent 40 mph winds laced with twine to keep them in place.
The snow peas are added to color-themed salads, stir fry and for snacks. Our dog, Lucy eats them with gusto and if we ignore her in the garden, she’ll pull on a wayward vine in search of her snack.
You can see some of the Romanesco tucked in the salad above. I harvested four this week and gave three away to friends. Two more remain in the garden. Thankfully they keep well on the plant and in the fridge. I sauteed thin slices tonight along with red pepper from the summer garden and red onion to top a veggie pizza.
I snatched a handful of arugula from the garden to top my part of the pizza. The thickly sown row thrives in our cool winter weather. I keep neighbors in arugula and last week I sowed a new square of it.
I’m always looking for new ways to use the Romanesco. Last week I roasted it with beans and spread my “lime flavor bomb” sauce on the the warmed pita. Flavors and textures worked well together.
Anticipating our blustery weather and one inch of rain, I picked a dish plan full of lettuce, mostly ‘Sea of Red’ which is near the top of my favorite lettuce list. It held up well in the rain and even with the petite pea-sized hail we had. I have neighbors who will almost always take lettuce.
‘Sea of Red’ was the base for the magenta themed salad featuring purple cauliflower and radishes.
Alstroemerias, ‘Blush’ leucadenron, eleagnus and an iris with slag glass.
And while we’re on the topic of magenta. I looked out my kitchen window and was inspired to make a bouquet for the dining room table.
You may enjoy seeing what other garden bloggers harvested last week at Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres. To leave a comment, click on “Leave a comment/Show comments,” enter the comment, then insert your name. Email address and website URL are optional. Finally, click on “Comment as Guest” to post comment.