In Season: February
Here’s what you may find at San Diego Farmers Markets or in local CSA boxes during the month of February. Check Edible San Diego for the latest information on local farmers markets.
February: Artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, cherimoyas, grapefruit, guavas, fresh herbs, kale, kiwi, kumquats, lemons, lettuce, limes, navel oranges, peas, potatoes, radishes,, snap peas, spinach, winter squash, tangelos, tangerines, turnips and various cut flowers.
Source: San Diego Farm Bureau Harvest Calendar
If you live outside California, you may find some of these fruits and vegetables at peak quality in your local grocery stores.
San Diego County Agriculture
Ranking 19th in the nation, San Diego boasts top crops in nursery, avocados, tomatoes, citrus, poultry, and strawberries. Almost 70% of San Diego County Farms are 1-9 acres and nearly 35% are operated by women. San Diego County has more certified organic growers than any other county in the nation with more than 360 certified organic farms. Read more on the San Diego County Farm Bureau website.
Be Wise Ranch in Escondido
San Diego’s Mediterranean-like climate makes it an ideal place to grow agricultural crops and livestock products. More than 3 million people live in San Diego County, and more than 5,000 farmers call it home and make their living on 250,000 acres. The high cost of water and land make farming here expensive and San Diego farms have specialized in integrating agricultural activity and urban living, growing crops that optimize limited acres. San Diego far surpasses its fellow top producing counties in terms of average dollar value per acre with an agricultural production more valuable than other urbanized areas of California, such as San Francisco, Orange County, and Los Angeles combined.
Source: San Diego Farm Bureau
Navel oranges